It's Good Enough

As a perfectionist, to many of the times, I tend to not start a project because it just won't be good enough. In the past, I couldn't stand the thought of doing anything just good enough. It's the thought of settling that really gets me. I don't ever want to do something just to the point of acceptable.

Yet, that reasoning, for years held me down. Seems like an oxymoron for a perfectionist, but it's the truth. I wouldn't do things because they couldn't be completed at the level I held out for myself.

Then I started reading from really great leaders. You start to realize if you want to do more than what one person can accomplish in life, it's going to take letting go. Sometimes you turn over that project and people blow you away. They do it better than you ever could. But you always have to be prepared, if they can do it at 80% of what you can, it's good enough. John Maxwell talks about this in many of his books. I've also heard others speak of it, and even if you look at Jesus, nobody could possibly have ever done things as good as him. So if you want to accomplish great things, have high standards, inspire others but at the end of the day, you have to trust others and let them help.

Another way to look at this is to consider why it took me so many years to start...(insert all dreams here). I would never start a project because I couldn't do it how I knew it really needed to be done. I also didn't want to have a project left open, so that also tends to stop you from starting, as a perfectionist. At some point you have to look at how others accomplish great things. Just go look at the ant.