The Enemy of Fear

It's dark and what may have been peaceful sounds of crickets and birds, now become creepy and invoke fear as night settles in and your loneliness of the unknown surrounds you.

Fear is typical when we don't have knowledge. We may feel fear when we start out on a new job or even a job interview. What questions will they ask???

We can overcome fear, it's simple, we just need to know. That scary movie isn't so scary when we've seen it 100 times. Same with starting that new job or turning all the lights on in that unknown night.

Create options, learn and watch fear go by the way side. Another way to reduce financial fear is to buy yourself some peace. Money is a tool, and a good tool, is built for the job at hand. Buy yourself a good tool with money. We call it savings. What?! Save?! Yes, SAVE!

You want to reduce fear, give yourself knowledge and the tools to crush it. Stopping fear means trying new things, but it doesn't mean we jump in with the hungry sharks that will devour us. It means we are prepared. We have more knowledge available than ever before.

Knowledge and options go a long way to reduce fear and allow you to start.