The Real Ultrasound
When you find out by a non doctor that you are having triplets, you're a bit skeptical. Well, at least part of me was.
You see, my wife had this great idea of finding out the gender at 14 weeks with one of these 3D or is it 4D ultrasound private practices. I pushed back for a few weeks, but we knew it was twins, so I gave in after she asked a few times. As I described here it was quite the surprise, you think your just going to find out gender, and you find out it's not twins, it's triplets! Anyway, I knew the tech was right, I could see the screen, but those things are so blurry... So the moment you walk out of there, you start doubting.
So finally we had our big appointment with the doctors. They did the anatomy ultrasound, everything is inspected. We are no longer seeing our regular doctors, now we have a team of perinatal specialists. So after a 3+ hour ultrasound, we are totally positive, without a doubt, having triplets. We know now that it's a set of identical twins, and possibly identical triplets. It could also be identical and a fraternal. Either way, there's something about it being confirmed, you know by doctors, that makes it even more real.
One day at a time, that's what I keep saying.