When you find out your wife is pregnant, it's always a bit overwhelming. Yes we wanted another child. 2.5 kids just sounds messy and we already had 2, so one more sounded perfect. I mostly didn't want my wife desperately wanting that 3rd child when our other 2 kids were entering middle school; so I decided to yield to her request so we could get all the diapers out of the way in one block of life. Our oldest will just be entering kindergarten this fall, so no time to waste.
My wife took a positive pregnancy test in late March, but because of a work/vacation trip we couldn't go to the doctors until Monday April 11th. She did do the blood work right after we found out, as that didn't require an appointment. The result of HCG blood work at about 5 weeks was 56,000 it seemed off the charts high, but the doctor assured us it was normal and we'd check it all out at the in person appointment when we got back from our travels.
As my wife and I walked into that appointment, I was wondering if we were in fact actually pregnant. As the doctor did the ultrasound, to make sure everything looked okay (not a tubal, etc.) she says to us, "you are definitely pregnant, everything looks okay, and yeah, it looks like twins." I replied, "Looks like! Are you sure?!" nearly fainting at the overwhelming news. She looked again and confirmed what she saw. More appointments were ordered, official ultrasound with a tech, not just the doctor. The results all came back the same. Twins! Let me say, twins do not run on either side of our family. We also weren't taking any drugs to increase fertility etc.
So far so good. She's due Dec. 6th, but it turns out twins don't usually go full term. Not that anything seems usual when you find out news like this.
Everything so far has been more intense, my wife was never sick with our first 2 kids, but had morning sickness with the twins. Today she tells me she can feel her belly growing, yeah, everything seems to be going faster this time around.
We hit 14 weeks this week, and have a 3D ultrasound Friday to find out gender. It took us a full 8 months to pick names the first 2 times around, we literally didn't name them until we saw them in person. We narrowed it down to 2 names, but couldn't decide. Something about fitting a name to the person. We already have to settle on 4 names (first and middle name) I can't imagine having to double that, if you didn't know gender. So the more time, the better. We'll also have our usual ultrasound with Kaiser, so they can confirm gender at around 20 weeks, that we are extra sure.
Now I think about getting that block of diapers out of the way this is going to be a huge block! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right!